Green Roof
Asphaltech mastic asphalt is an ideal waterproofing material for extensive green roofs, intensive roof gardens and biodiversity roofs. These finished can enhance environments, control water run-off, and reduce noise transmission.
Extensive green roofs require little long term maintenance. It is completely resistant to root penetration and does not require an additional anti-root barrier.
- Planting medium – minimum 80mm thick 86KG/m2
- Geotextile sheet 1.7mm thick, 0.2 kg/m2 per layer
- Drainage Cell 3kg/m2
- Asphaltech mastic asphalt 20mm thick (2X10mm coats) 42.92Kg/m2
- Separation layer 3mm thick 1.9kg/m2
- Concrete deck

A superior green roof system for the environmentally conscious it is an ideal waterproofing material for extensive green roofs, intensive roof gardens and biodiversity roofs. It is completely resistant to root penetration and water collected off the Mastic surfaces is potable. It also increases the thermal characteristics, reduces noise transmission and increase the life expectancy of waterproofing membrane. By selecting our Green Roof system you have selected one of the greenest construction materials around.
Mastic Asphalt (or Neuchatel as it is referred to in New Zealand) has been successfully used to provide unbeatable protection from water penetration for centuries.
- Monolithic, an aesthetic seamless finish
- Unbonded, allowing movement between structure and materials
- Can be laid at falls lower than 1.80
- A properly designed & installed mastic asphalt system will last 60 years
- Traditional mastic asphalt but with added polymers to improve flexibility & durability
- With 20 years warranty for supply and installation
- All in accordance with ISO 9001:2008
- Reduces noise transfer into the building
- Reduces energy cost of the building user
Green Roof Masterspec Documents
Green Roof Technical Documents
Green Roof Drawings

Mastic Asphalt Systems
Green Roof System
Asphaltech green roof/concrete up stand/cap flashing X-sectional detail
For the environmentally conscious it is an ideal waterproofing material for extensive green roofs, intensive roof gardens and biodiversity roofs.
It is completely resistant to root penetration and any water collected of the Mastic surfaces is potable.
Used in this manner it has also been found to increase the thermal characteristics of the roof, reduce noise transmission and increase the life expectancy of waterproofing membrane.
By selecting our Green Roof system, you have selected one of the greenest construction materials available with zero carbon emissions.
The Polymer Modified Mastic Asphalt roofing industry was the first in the world to achieve a carbon zero status. It was able to achieve this through key initiatives such as 100% recyclable, lowering the heating requirement for the melt and 50+ year durability.